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258. 她 (第2/3页)
r> 这个男人,和白珍妮的生活仅有一次交汇,便改变了她从此之后的人生轨迹。而他自己,竟毅然决然地告别了这个世界。 究竟是为什么呢? 这个答案,韩廷真的不知道吗? 白珍妮问:“……我能知道,他的遗书内容吗?” Chris拿出手机,打开邮箱,苦笑道:“我一直没删他这条邮件。……这是Justin留给我的最后一条讯息,也许这辈子,我都不会舍得删掉。” 他说着把手机递给白珍妮。 My dear fellow, When you read this message, it means I’ve already gone. Life hadn&039;t been too hard for me till that day, and the truth is, I think I’ve been trapped there, in that night, that moment, forever. I tried to live with her left clues--her clothes, her messages, her videos… I went to every place we went together, I live like what we used to. I also believe that she will forgive me. In that certain moment, I thought I found her, again. It was great joy at a split second, but then I realize she isn’t her. It is just my illusion, and it is her biggest punishment for me. I can’t forgive myself for what I have done after all. So does she. I owe her, at all events. Therefore, I have to say goodbye to your guys. My last happiness was all made by you, thank you my dear friend,