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雨|The Great Perhaps (第3/3页)
,因为这一段才记着《寻找阿拉斯加》的。” “The great perhaps,”女人边写边翻译道:“伟大的可能。” 她的碎发落下,蓬着一个月牙般的弧度在脸侧,“As well as, how do we get out of the Maze,我们如何能从迷宫逃脱。” 陌生,但是于他而言猜到其中深意并非难事,只不过需要多花些时间。 她将写好的纸条撕下,转了个方便阅读的方向递给陈黎,“Try it.(试试看)” 男孩看着手中的纸片,英文字母和宝丽来背面的花体不同,万岁的字母更浑圆些,不是同一个人,他想。 纸片上写: 【I wanted so badly to lie down next to her on the couch, to wrap my arms around her and sleep. Not fuck, like in those movies. Not even have sex. Just sleep together in the most innocent sense of the phrase. But I lacked the courage and she had a boyfriend and I was gawky and she was gorgeous and I was hopelessly boring and she was endlessly fascinating. So I walked back to my room and collapsed on the bottom bunk, thinking that if people were rain, I was drizzle and she was hurricane.】 作者的话: 最后一段没有翻译,因为自认能力有限,不足以翻译出原文的感觉,网上找的中文版本也不太合我心意,所以没有给大家做中文译文,请见谅。 摘写内部分单词注释如下: Couch:长沙发 Innocent:纯洁、无辜、天真 Phrase:短语、词组 Courage:勇气 Gawky:笨拙、鲁钝 Gorgeous:绚丽的、美丽动人的 Fascinating:迷人的、极有吸引力的、深深吸引的 Collapse:倒塌、崩溃、瓦解、突然倒下 Bunk:床铺、铺位 Rain:雨 Drizzle:毛毛细雨 Hurricane:飓风 请个假>_< 生活和工作最近忙翻天 会尽快复更的 祝好